
"University fees to be overhauled, some course costs to double as domestic student places boosted"


In response to ABC News report: "University fees to be overhauled, some course costs to double as domestic student places boosted" -

Our position @ Humanities 21 is as follows:

The Government’s hiking of the costs for studying the humanities in favour of ‘job-ready graduates’ undermines the value of a humanities education.

Humanities courses teach critical thinking, communication, and creative problem-solving skills fundamental to diverse industries and careers. The humanities, combined with other studies provides students not only with a dynamic skillset, but one that has been harnessed by leaders today, from the CEOs of Disney, Westpac, and YouTube, to Prime Ministers.

It is through engaging with the humanities, that we can tackle problems, and invest in our future. Individually, and as communities, we look to shared understandings to see issues from different perspectives, and to engage with a critical and empathetic perspective.

The humanities provide this, and studying the humanities makes us better.

#humanities #university #government #degrees #students #Australia